Same Ideals
For over twenty years the EUUG was a community of engineers who were involved with CAD CAM and CAE software. The feedback from our members is that they want to remain at heart a community of engineers, but now in a wider community.

About the EUUG PLM Europe Conference 2002
The annual conference took place in Stuttgart, Germany, October 7th - 10th 2002. Despite the difficult economic times this was our most successful conference yet with more than four hundred delegates from twenty two different countries. Again this conference was a lively combination of users presenting case studies on how the software is being applied and EDS Presentations. This conference remains the only event in Europe where delegates can hear directly from senior EDS PLM Solutions executives.

The conference gave delegates an opportunity to learn how their investments will be secured and the opportunity to address other concerns. The EDS PLM Solutions presentations were targeted on ensuring that delegates received first hand information and product road maps explaining how the products will evolve into the future. Across the three days the products covered included the complete portfolio of Unigraphics, I-deas and Teamcenter Engineering and Teamcenter Enterprise products.


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