How to add a presentation?

To open this site, you must enter this address Opens external link in new window  in your internet browser. If you click at the button “How to add a presentation” you will see this text. After a click on the button “Agenda Overview” you will see the following agenda, a click on the button “Detailed agenda” will show you another detailed display of the agenda. 

If you see the “Agenda Overview” you have only to click on the presentation you want to offer, this dialog will be open.

With this dialog you can offer your presentation. In the top of this dialog you see the main information of the selected slot. There are four items you can enter:

  • Abstract – here you can describe your presentation. If you have the opinion, the “Abstract-Name” is not correct you can enter a “Presenter Abstract Title”, you can also change the “Track” and the “Area of interest”.

  •  Presenter – here you can enter your own data, your name, phone-No., Bio, company-name and your mailaddress. A click on the empty picture allow you to save a picture from yourself.



  • Co-Presenter – if you have a co-presenter you can enter these data

  • Notes allow you to enter a command.


If you are ready you can save your data by pressing the “Save” – Button. After saving you will get this message.

In the mail you will get after saving your data you will find all the information you entered into the dialog.

At the end of the mail you will find a link, with this link you can open this dialog to change your data.

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