Session: Automotive Industry: New ways to transform vehicle development and manufacturing
Day / Time: Monday, 16:30 - 17:30
Monday, 17:30 - 18:30
Presenter 1: Name: Hendrik Lange
Company: Siemens PLM Software

Since 2007 Hendrik Lange works as a Senior Marketing Manager for Siemens PLM Software and is responsible for Automotive Industry Marketing in EMEA. Previously to this he has been assigned to different roles in Pre-, Post-Sales and Business Consulting in Germany.

Before he joined Siemens in 1999 Hendrik Lange worked for EDS in Germany and in the Charlotte, NC. He holds a Master Degree (Dipl.-Ing.) in mechanical engineering.
Abstract: In today’s highly connected and competitive global automotive industry, pressure is intensifying on companies to deliver innovative, high-quality products to market faster. This objective has grown complicated by the increased complexity of the vehicles themselves and the development process, which requires hundreds or even thousands of critical decisions to be made throughout the entire product lifecycle.

Automakers have a fundamental need for a platform that creates an opportunity to collaborate and exchange information in order to reach intelligent decisions, and then understand the impact of their decisions on other stakeholders. Information must be given intelligence and become transparent across all silos of the lifecycle. Siemens will discuss its vision and strategy to drive real step-change in vehicle development and production, improving productivity, time to market and first-time quality.

Further, Systems Driven Product Development combines systems engineering, consistent configuration management, traceability from requirements to manufacturing and service, and an open and scalable platform. This presentation will provide an overview of Systems Driven Product Development along with specific examples to illustrate the approach and its benefits.