Session: Welcome to Siemens PLM Connection
Day / Time: Monday, 10:30 - 11:00
Presenter: Name: Maarten Romers
Company: ASML (Chairman of PLM Committee) 

Maarten Romers (46) works for ASML in Veldhoven, the Netherlands at the department Configuration Management Infrastructure. This department  is responsible for tools and methods and supports the design and change processes within the Development and Engineering department. Maarten was responsible for the Teamcenter and NX implementation at ASML in 1997.  Now Maarten is the architect for Teamcenter Engineering as used at ASML and has over 20 years experience with 3D CAD and Product Data Management.
Maarten is also member of the PLM Europe user committee since 2003 and is the chairman since 2008.
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