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UGS Connection 2007 - Call for Papers

Don’t miss out on an opportunity to receive free admission to the conference, as well as extending your current network.

Papers are invited on the topics outlined in the Presenter Guidelines and others falling within the scope of the meeting.

We are pleased to announce the extension of the deadline for submitting abstracts for the upcoming UGS Connection Europe 2007 Conference. The new due date for submitting an abstract is September 1st. This new opportunity allows all users to connect with other users and UGS alike in sharing experiences, best practices, and general product knowledge.

Potential presenters must submit a short abstract (approx 400 words), along with their name, title, company name, phone number, mailing address and e-mail address. A short biography (approx 100 words) and photo is also required. Abstracts received by the due date are reviewed by the PLM Europe User Committee. A presentation is accepted based on its overall fit within the conference and its relevance to current issues and concerns voiced by the user community. The User Office sends a letter of acceptance to the selected presenters.

To be fair to all participants, each registered delegate will only be able to submit one paper. Please refer to the Presenter Guidelines for full details on how to register as a presenter.

The language of the conference will be English.