10268 visitors by now      

Dear User,
please note all fields with * need your input.

PLM Europe Conference 2007:
Yes, I would like to attend the PLM Europe 2007 conference.

I hereby order the following* :
3 days - full conference EUR 700,00

2 days - Monday and Tuesday EUR 600,00
2 days - Tuesday and Wednesday EUR 600,00  

Attendee Details

Arrival day*: Departure day*:

Family name*: First name*: Title: Company*:
Departments: Job title: Street 1*: Street 2:
City*: Region: PO Box: ZIP Code*:
Country*: Phone*: E-Mail*: Fax:
I'm vegetarian: Special requirements:
yes    no
Type of attendee*:
Invited by:
Family name, first name:

I would like to attend the following receptions: ( all free of additional charge)
Sunday evening - Welcome Reception "Early Arrivals"
Monday evening - Welcome Reception all delegates
Tuesday evening - Dinner - hosted by UGS

Payment Options*

For our invoicing we need these details with your registration form:

Pre-Registration, pre-registered and pre-paid until Sept. 15th 2007
(see Conference Fee):
I want to pay by Credit Card
I will pay at door with credit card - EUR 900,00
(If you pay by Credit Card, it is not necessary to fill out the following "Invoice adress" form. After your
click on "send registration" you will be automatically guided to the credit card payment system.)

Please send an invoice in EUR      Please send an invoice in $
  (please note all currency exchange rates and bankcosts are on your responsibility)
To carry out your conference registration please check first your company invoice address and if
you need a purchase order number.

Invoice adress:
Company*: Attn.*: Department*: PO Box:
Street*: ZIP Code*: City*: Country*:
PO No.:      

For group discounts please contact the users office at [email protected]

Company Information and Event Interest

I'm working in the following industry area*: Aerospace & Defense      
Automotive & Transportation
Consumer Products
High Tech Electronics
Machinery & Industrial


  > show agenda
I'm interested in the following breakout tracks:


Primary interest *: Secondary interest *:  
*collecting interest in the tracks does not mandate attendance but provides information to the committee
to size the rooms according to demand.

I'm interested in presenting*:      yes    no

I am attending for the first time*: yes    no

The PLM Europe User Group has no liability to the Client or any Guest (other than death or personal injury of a Guest resulting from the Company’s negligence) for any loss or damage of any nature however caused arising out of or in connection with attendance at the Event or to the property of the Client or Guest unless otherwise covered by the public liability insurance carried by the Company at the date of the Event any such claim by the Client or Guest being made on the terms and conditions of such insurance a copy of which is available on request.

11.3. Personal Accident Insurance covering the Event is not included in the price.

If you have any questions regarding the registration form please contact the users office
either by e-mail at [email protected] or by phone at 0049-221-534 52 60.