Share your experience and receive FREE Conference Admission

Are you ready to share your experiences, ideas, tips, techniques, process improvements or just your unique applications of UGS software with other users? Sharing your skills at the conference will not only allow you to receive free admission to PLM Europe 2006, but it will also allow you to network with hundreds of other users. The conference this year will span the entire product lifecycle, from concept to retirement, with a focus on increasing knowledge that will allow you to take something of value back to the office today. By participating as a presenter you will have an opportunity to be part of this educational and transforming event.

Possible topics include:

Simulation, Validation, and Optimization (i.e.,MasterFEM, NX Scenario and NX Nastran)
Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM)
Tecnomatics and E-factory
Knowledge Based Design Automation (Knowledge Fusion and Programming Tools)
Data Communication and CAD Interoperability
Migrating from I-DEAS to NX
System Administration
Sheet Metal Design
Solid Edge
NX Routing (Electrical and Mechanical)
Mold Design
Teamcenter applications (Enterprise, Engineering, Community, Visualization, Project, Requirements, Sourcing, Express)
Integration of Teamcenter with other applications
Senior Management related topics
Use of NX and Teamcenter in Academia
Industry specific solutions
Global Design Collaboration
Product Design Excellence (Lean Manufacturing, Six Sigma, Rapid/Agile Design, Design Reuse, Portfolio Management)

Presentations are expected to fill 30, 45 or 90-minute time slots. Abstracts of up to 400 words and a short speaker's biography should be submitted at: [email protected]. The due date for abstract submission is April 30th 2006. Notification to the authors of the accepted abstracts will occur by May 1st 2006. Those accepted will need to submit an electronic copy for their presentation, by July 17th, 2006. Accepted abstracts will be available on the PLM Europe webpage. All presentations will be available for all attendees with a special password after the conference.

Presenters (up to two per presentation) will be invited to attend the Speakers Dinner held on Sunday,
Oct. 8th , 2006. In addition each will receive a certificate and a special gift. Selected abstracts may be published on the PLM-Europe web site. Registration fees will be waived for a single presenter (the one listed first on the Abstract Submittal Form) provided that an electronic copy of the presentation is received by July 17th , 2006.

The success of the conference depends on the quality of the presentations made by you. Please consider sharing your knowledge and experiences with others by making a technical presentation at the 2006 conference.